*Crepe paper ( this works and looks best, however light patterned or solid paper 20lb max - works too as you will see ) ( Some may say ribbon .. but the cost factor ... ummm .. your choice.. it is being thrown out... )
*Sandwich Pick ( they are larger and sturdier then the regular toothpick )
- The crepe paper is going to be folded in half . Therefore the length required at folding point is :
3/4" - 14" length required
1/2" - 12" length required
For this tutorial the crepe paper I have ( bought at Party City for 50cents) is just shy of 2" width .. but folded in half is 3/4 " and therefore cut 14" length .
- Fold back and forth and at each crevice a dab of fast drying glue ( glue gun, tacky glue, double sided glue) whatever works best for you ( I used my heat gun )
- When done trim the bottom so it is nice and even